Privacy Policy

This page describe in wich way our games acces to your storage or your data.

Climb Blocks

Climb blocks saves some text files into your storage needed for its work. These files saves the best score, the settings, the player's money and skins. In accord to the Max mediation documentation, the AppLovin SDK collect and use personal data for interest-based advertising. That last point only concerned users located in European Union, European Economic Area, United Kingdom, and Switzerland (collectively, the “European Countries”).

Risky pengu

Risky pengu saves some text files into your storage needed for its work. These files saves the best score, the settings, the player's money and progression (skins and challenges). It access only to these files. In accord to the Max mediation documentation, the AppLovin SDK collect and use personal data for interest-based advertising. That last point only concerned users located in European Union, European Economic Area, United Kingdom, and Switzerland (collectively, the “European Countries”).